To make a return, all our customers have the option of returning our products within a maximum period of 14 working days. After these 14 calendar days, the return period expires.
Where do I have to notify to make the return?
To make a return, you must contact:
46980 Paterna, Valencia
Penyal D'Ifach promenade no. 29
+34 664.136.864
To add any notes or changes to your return, please let us know via our contact form.
*To meet the deadlines, you only have to communicate before 14 days that you want to make a return
What about the return?
Once we have verified and accepted the return by both parties, we will refund all payments for your order. Please note that all additional costs due to the change in shipping rates will be borne by the customer.
The return will be effective once we have received the products or verified the shipment of the products.
How should the return be made?
To make a return, it is necessary to keep the box in which the products came. This same box will be the one the customer will use to send the product back.
It is necessary to indicate the order number and address in the subject of the contact form.
The return address is as follows:
46980 Paterna, Valencia
Penyal D'Ifach promenade no. 29
+34 664.136.864
If you have any questions or want to change anything, please contact us through:
- Tel: +34 664.136.864
- Contact form: here